Monday, June 28, 2010

Maternity Musings...

Have I mentioned that I'm expecting? Well, I'm expecting. Number 4, due end of August. Yes, August. Only the hottest bit of the year around here. People ask why I planned it this way and I'm like, "you think I planned this?" "You think I want to be huge and hot?" Well, I did plan to have a baby, yes. And you take what you can get, my friends--so end of August and going through 110 + degree weather is all part of the excitement! If only I can survive...
When I knew we were pregnant, I got to worrying how we'd survive gf/cf/egg free, which translated to: How do I cook three meals a day everyday with no Mexican takeout to get me through the rough spots? (You know, morning sickness, food aversions, food aversions, morning sickness...with a few gluten and dairy cravings thrown in.) Only now can I say, at 31 weeks and 2 days (who's counting?) that it can be done. This has been my easiest pregnancy by far and I count it as a HUGE blessing--as huge as I feel these days!
So while gf/cf, ect isn't easy when you're pregnant, it can be done, even if you live rurally like we do with no immediate access to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods and restaurants that actually have a GF menu. (Think Lady and the Tramp: "oh, and some chop suey, too!")
Now if I could just think of something to make for dinner...

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